Church on Fire

I’m Still Standing

Elton John sings about being abandoned in love but he's a survivor still standing. Paul after telling us to sit & walk in this resurrected life now says stand. As if rescued from drowning we stand delivered on the shore.Like a tree planted by a river. We aren’t standing in our strength but in His.

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Order in the Court

Order in the Court is part of our Church on Fire series. We are in Ephesians, talking about resurrection. Resurrection is the message of the church. We are not just taking a stroll. We are actually going somewhere. There is a right way and wrong way to walk. There should be order in the church, God controlled order.

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Sleeping Beauty

Paul says that we now have a different walk about us. We have been resurrected. We now walk in the light! But some of us are still stumbling around in the dark. It’s time to wake up! ITS AMAZING OUT THERE!

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Dirt Devils

We are talking about how we walk (after talking about how we sit). Speak truth, don’t give place to the devil, don’t steal, don’t speak corruptly, don’t grieve the Spirit, don’t be angry or violent, be kind, tender, and forgiving.

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The Beverly Hillbillies

We are seated with Christ. We live out of rest. It begins with rest. We sit in the car & we are going places. But are we living below where we are seated? How then do we “walk” after we are “seated.” Unfortunately some of us are like Jed & his family. “Money in the bank, but still living like paupers.

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Glory in the Church

Because of His ability and His power there is great glory in the church beyond what we can imagine or think. That power works in us and in our generations!

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Tear Down That Wall

On June 12, 1987, Ronald Reagan said “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! If you seek peace, prosperity, tear it down.
There are two purposes for walls: to protect or to imprison.
Jesus has torn down the walls that keep us from His glory!
"Tear Down That Wall!"

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Living Large

This now is the heart of Ephesians and indeed the heart of the gospel. What has enabled this exchange is the resurrection! Like the shroud of Turin He has imprinted His image on us! "Living Large"

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So, I’m a Saint?

So after Paul shows us our position in Christ (blessed, chosen,destined,bestowed,lavished,made known,gather up, he then proceeds to pray for the church. We get in on Paul’s prayer!

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God’s 7 Verbs

There are 15 named churches in the NT and 13 had letters written to them. But Ephesians is the only one that didn’t receive any rebuke.
We know it’s not because they were perfect. Timothy was their pastor so we read about the problems he faced in the books of Timothy. Paul was their pastor for three years (book of acts.).

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