7 Week series about the 7 pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle
Paul’s words to the Corinthians are prophetic for today. Ye have not many fathers. We see the results even in the natural.
Pharaoh's army is defeated. The horse and rider in the sea. Moses writes a song and Miriam picks up a tambourine and thousands of women begin to praise! God is raising up an army of women who are warrior worshippers.
God gave me a prophetic message in a dream for Palm Sunday. It’s called the “Worship Parade.” God is realigning His church! Let’s “turn down the music” and stop the parades. It’s time to get back to basics, focus on the mission, and return to being a “house of prayer!”
When the three Hebrew children were thrown in the fire, they discovered they were not alone. A fourth man was already in the fire! No matter what you’re facing, He is already there!
Did you ever wonder what Adams world was like before the fall? There was no time to count. When Adam sinned he couldn’t be allowed to live forever in his sin. Time was created to give opportunity for redemption. Time is Gods way To keep everything from happening at once. God exists in all time.
When Jesus was asked (accused) of eating with sinners, He responded with three powerful parables. Don’t miss this message “A Ring and a Robe”.
Jesus was called to the lost sheep of Israel but notice His heart for the Samaritans and Gentiles! Sometimes those that are furthest from Christ are the easiest to reach. Sunday we will look at how Jesus treated the outsiders!
Baggage Depression Anxiety Fear Loneliness Unqualified