Don’t miss the final message in our series woman who ROAR in scriptures. This Sunday we will conclude with Anna!
Some women are great! The woman from Shunam was one of them. Great women know how to pray and hang on to God!
Have you ever heard of Rhoda? She’s the perfect example of how ordinary people can pray for their loved ones who are only one encounter away from a miracle.
Sunday was Pentecost Sunday! We'll be looking at the woman at the well. Hint: there’s a well on that well!
As it was with Esther these are perilous times. The enemy, like a roaring Lion, is seeking who to devour. But the Lion of the tribe of Judah is raging in these last days. Don’t miss this prophetic message as we are in the last days!
Got issues? I guess everybody has a few. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because that’s where all the issues are. Sunday we will look a the woman with the issue of blood.
Naomi was depressed. She had good reason to be. Maybe you do too! We see other people in scripture that were depressed. Look at Elijah. How about Job? But what’s the answer to depression?
Have you ever been surprised by God? Sometimes we hear a promise, we pray and believe - but we are still surprised when it happens! I believe God has a surprise for us!
Life is very complicated and it also often seems contradictory to what God has told us. Looking at the life of Mary helps us understand and gives us hope. Hear Mary ROAR as we continue our series!
As we come out of the caves of COVID, the Lord led me to examine the lives of 10 prayerful women in scripture. Women who could roar in the Spirit. Hanna is first. She not only represents where we are personally but what God is doing in the next generation.