A man bought a weedy, empty lot and turned into a beautiful garden. A preacher came by and said “my, look what the Lord has done.” The man responded “well, you should have seen it when God had it by Himself !”
We work because we are charged to fill and subdue the planet. Work is honorable no matter what kind it is!
"Let My People Go!" Deciding we are going to honor the Fourth Commandment and remember the Sabbath is not as easy as it sounds in today's 24/7 society. Actually when we do keep the Sabbath we are RESISTING the world order! Don't miss Sunday's message "Let My People Go!"
Let's be sure to honor the Sabbath this Sunday! Pastor is continuing his series entitled "The Power of Doing Nothing." This Sunday we will look at Maggots in the Manna!!" You don't want to miss this. See you Sunday at 10:30!
After each of the six days of creation God said “it was good.”
But on the seventh day He said it was “holy.” Doing nothing or stopping all I’m doing can be holy.